Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Catholic terrorists caught in Miami

If you've watched the news or read the newspaper lately, you know that a group of Muslim terrorists have been arrested in Miami for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower. Wrong!

In fact, these men were Roman Catholics, not Muslims.
"The family of Phanor [one of the arrested]...told reporters in Miami he was innocent of all charges and was a practicing Roman Catholic, not a Muslim.

'They all call themselves brothers and they are well-mannered,' said his older sister, Marlene Phanor. "All they were trying to do was clean up the community. We are Catholic. He's Catholic.' She said the family attends St. Mary's Catholic Church in Miami." [CNN].

"[Phanor's mother said that] alleged plot ringleader Narseal Batiste recruited her son and other men in the area about a year ago to join a neighborhood group to study the Bible and give food to the hungry and clothing to children." [Chicago Tribune].

"Narseal Batiste attended a Catholic elementary school and Brother Rice High School [A Catholic HS]." [Chicago Sun-Times].
It seems that this is another example of the media hysterically pointing to some red fishes and calling them Muslim terrorists. Meanwhile the real threat to the US (Catholic Church/Catholicism) is downplayed or ignored. This time the trick failed, and it turned out that the "Muslims" were actually Catholics! Some major damage control was in order.

Sure enough, the past four or five days have seen two things: 1-The under-reporting of the real religion of the men (Catholicism). 2-The dismissal of the whole thing as imaginary by many in the media.

The point here is not necessarily that these alleged (would-be) terrorists are Catholic (though foreign Catholics in America are without doubt more likely to turn traitor than others), and it's not necessarily that the real religion of the Miami Seven was swept under the rug by the media. The point is this: The media play up the supposed "Islamic terrorist threat" so much and so often, yet never report on the far more dangerous ongoing threat to this country from a far more dangerous alien religion and political power. That would be the Catholic Church, which has done and is doing more damage to this nation than whole divisions of enemy soldiers or muslim jihadis could possibly hope to do.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

New papal agent in DC Archdiocese will continue Catholic agenda

Papal agent Donald Wuerl (former "Bishop" of Pittsburgh) is taking over the Catholic Archbishopric of Washington DC, which includes the District of Columbia and several counties in Maryland.

Total population of Washington DC archdiocese: 2.6 million. Total number of Catholics therein: 582,000, or 22% of the total population (according to the Vatican, who very carefully track these things, almost as an invading army would monitor their progress...Have to monitor how their attempted conquests are going now, you know...). Note that this is up from a mere 14% in the 1950s! (Although at that time it included some parts of non-Catholic Northern Virginia.)

By all accounts, Wuerl will continue to mercilessly pursue his predecessor Theodore McCarrick's anti-American policies, just as McCarrick's predecessor fought for the anti-American Catholic agenda, just as his predecessor... etc. You should ask yourself, does every powerful member of the Catholic Church in the US have the same anti-American agenda independently and totally by coincidence? If you believe this, I'll sell you some nice beachfront real estate in Nebraska! No, this agenda is Rome's agenda, plain and simple. If you want to be mad at Catholic leaders for their vicious anti-American agenda, direct your anger at the Catholic Church itself, not pawns like McCarrick and Wuerl.

Expect the Catholic agenda to continue to be topped by "immigration reform", i.e. amnesty for Roman Catholic illegal aliens and increased immigration quotas for Roman Catholics.

"Wuerl will...also interact with Catholics in Congress and other high ranking government posts." (AP article). So papal agent Wuerl will "interact" with members of our government, despite a supposed separation of Church and State. Or does that that separation of Church and State only apply to Protestants?

I submit this your your review:

"The [Roman Catholic] Serpent has entwined its folds about the Capitol."


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Catholics vote to abolish America

Do you remember where you were on May 25th, 2006 at 5:39 PM Eastern Time? You may not know it, but it was at this time on this date that a coalition of Roman Catholics and Jews in the US Senate voted to abolish the United States of America.

It was at this time on this date that the S.2611 Immigration Bill was passed, which not only allows for double current legal immigration levels, but provides for amnesty for anyone who comes here illegally, effectively abolishing all immigration policy and border control for our nation.

The Bill was passed by a margin of 62-36 (It would have been 63-37 but two Senators were not present). So 63% voted in favor, that's a pretty solid margin, isn't it? Well yes, 63% did vote in favor, but that is a deceptive figure. Let's take a look at the breakdown of the vote by religion to get a clearer picture of what is going on here:

White-Protestants: 31 NAY, 23 YEA = 57.4% AGAINST
Catholics: 23 YEA, 4 NAY = 85.2% IN FAVOR
Jews: 11 YEA
All Other: 6 YEA, 2 NAY

(notes: "Protestant" in the above refers to any Christian denomination that is not Catholic, Orthodox, or Mormon. The Catholic figure includes Orthodox. "All Other" consists of the three non-white Protestant Senators and the 5 Mormon Senators. Two Senators did not vote, but they are included where they would have voted, to get a clearer picture. [link to vote, link to Congress' religious affilations])

The staggering combined Catholic-Jewish vote of 34 to 4 (or 90% In Favor) is quite telling. Truly now, it is safe to say that this was not a bill passed by "The Senate", no, it was a bill passed a gang of anti-American (or, more precisely, anti-white-Protestant) Catholics and Jews in the Senate.

You might say, "Well Catholic and Jewish Senators are mostly Democrats anyway so this is not surprising. This was a Democrat-backed/passed bill, not a Catholic/Jewish-backed one, you are creating something out of nothing here". If you said such a thing, you would be dead wrong. The overwhelming Catholic and Jewish support for this bill crosses party lines, geographic lines, and any other lines you want to bring in. An overwhelming majority of Republican Catholics voted in favor (8 of 12), as did both Republican Jews. So it was not a "Democratic bill". It is more accurately called a Catholic (and Jewish) bill. In this vote, religion was a far better predictor of which way a Senator would vote than party affiliation.

Nor did the vote break solidly along any geographic lines. As one example, see how the two Senators from the fine state of Iowa voted: The Roman Catholic Tom Harkin (D-IA) voted YEA (i.e., voted for the abolition of America) while fellow Iowan, Protestant Charles Grassley (R-IA) voted NAY (i.e., voted against the abolition of America). Another such example can be found in Kansas: The Roman Catholic Sam Brownback (R-KS) voted YEA, while the Protestant Pat Roberts (R-KS) voted NAY.

So it is clear that the Catholics (and their Jewish allies), were responsbile for the passage of this bill. The question then becomes, why do the Catholics want to destroy America? Well one thing that cannot be ignored is the Catholic Church's full-scale mobilization in favor of open-borders/amnesty/superior rights for illegals. The constant moralizing from their Church no doubt affected them (it is largely phony moralizing anyway, the Catholic Church wants Catholic immigration and works tirelessly to promote it for its own selfish & greedy ends, namely increasing their power and influence in America and Catholicizing America. They are weakening Protestant America in the process which is also beneficial to them). But more than that, it is also about these Catholic Senators showing solidarity with their Catholic immigrant brothers and sisters, it is about their desire to bring more Catholics into America, it is about dealing a blow to white-Protestant America, it has to do with nostalgia for their own Catholic immigrant ancestors. It is the knoweldge that they are members of a foreign religion, that this is not a Catholic nation (What percentage of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Catholic? Answer: 1 out of 56. How many delegates at the Constitutional Convention were Catholics? Answer: 2 out of 55), the Catholics know it and act accordingly, including by means of throwing the floodgates open to millions of foreign Catholic immigrants, they feel obliged to do so. It is about their own interests and their Church's interests, which are wholly at odds with our interests, the American Protestants.

Whatever the reasons, it is undeniably clear, beyond the possibility of dispute, that the Catholics are working against America and in favor of open-borders [Catholic] immigration. This is nothing new of course, most of the issues facing our nation for the past century and a half have seen the Catholic Church take positions at odds with Protestant interests (not the least of which has been immigration! Catholic pro-Immigration agitation/lobbying goes back to pre-Civil-War times and has never really abated).

According to research done by the Heritage Foundation, this bill would allow for massive immigration levels in the coming years--66 million new legal immigrants/amnestied aliens over the next twenty years , and if we count the children they would have, that would mean a net increase of upwards of 100 million, next to none of whom will be of white-Protestant origin.

The number of white-Protestants in the US is approximately 140 million, and that number is remaining steady (birth rates are steady, and we get little white-Protestant immigration). There are approaching 290 million Americans (exlcuding illegal aliens), meaning the US is just under half white-Protestant as of this writing. Note that the US had always been majority white-Protestant ever since its inception, and was white-Protestant long before then, even.

Now let us examine what this Catholic immigration plan will do to America's white-Protestant dispossessed (former-)majority. Firstly, there will in 20 years time be 400 million residents of America (I hesitate to use the term "Americans", because that term will have lost all meaning by then, if it hasn't already!) under this plan. Assuming the 140 million white-Protestant number remains steady, we will constitute a mere THIRTY-FIVE PERCENT of the US population!

The United States was just under two-thirds white-Protestant in 1950. Three generations later it is destined to be one-third white-Protestant? Such a major demographic change/dispossession is unprecedented, and catastrophic for the United States. Note that this would not have happened if not for the poisonous influence of the Roman Catholics and Jews (both groups have some shared reasons for doing what they are doing against America, but the Catholics have the numbers and so are more dangerous). It would not have happened if Protestants controlled our government.

May God help us!