Monday, July 31, 2006

General Patton - assassinated by the Jesuits?

General George S. Patton died mysteriously in late 1945. What really happened to him? The official story is that he was killed in a car accident in December of '45, period end of story.

Some, however, allege that Patton's death was no accident, and that he was actually assassinated by elements in the US government who wanted him removed from the picture, because he was vociferously against the Soviet Union and in favor of going to war with them. He proposed liberating and rearming Germany to help in the crusade against the Russians/communism. This was all while the Soviets were officially our allies, and before the Soviets had nuclear weapons. Patton's ideas and opinions were seen as dangerous and deeply worrisome to some in the US government, it is alleged, because they were counter to their agenda and counter to the world order they wanted to set up. And Patton himself was particularly worrisome because he was actually more popular back home in the US than the president!

It is alleged that Wild Bill Donovan, founder/early leader of the OSS, precursor to the CIA, ordered the assassination. Patton's car "accident" was set-up, and then when it turned out he didn't die the crash, he was poisoned in the hospital. Some of the men supposedly involved in the plot corroborated this story decades later at the end of their own lives.

So where do the Jesuits come in? It is alleged that the true orchestrators of the assasination were in fact the Jesuits. "All roads lead to Rome". Wild Bill Donovan himself was a rabid Roman Catholic who, we now know, funnelled intelligence and other information to the Vatican during his time as leader of the OSS.

Did the Jesuits assassinate Patton, and if so, why?

This might seem like a ridiculous and absurd question to ask, almost like asking "Did the Sesame Street characters conspire to blow up the World Trade Center?". After all, arent the Jesuits just a humble little order of devout Catholics dedicated to serving God and helping their fellow man?

Let's address this issue before going any further with the Patton assassination topic. Those who know a little about the history of the Christian world these past 500 years know that the Jesuits played a central role in the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation (which, we might add, is still very much ongoing!) in various ways, and continued to work for the advance of Catholicism/The Catholic Church/Vatican power for centuries after the end of the Reformation era and after the religious wars came to a close.

The specific and stated goal of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) when they were founded was to destroy and eliminate Protestantism, reverse the gains of Glorious Reformation, reconquer and force all of Christendom to submit to the Pope and to the Roman Catholic Church. Any nation, government, or people that did not submit to the Pope, especially those within Christendom, was a fair target in the eyes of these fanatics for subversion and destruction (see what they're doing to this country currently), and any king, political leader, or other prominent person who did not submit to the Pope and/or worked against Vatican interests, was a fair target for outright assassination.

Here are excerpts from what is commonly known as the Extreme Oath of the Jesuits, historically taken by some senior Jesuits and those in extreme subsects of the group:
I...declare and swear that His Holiness, the Pope, is Christ's vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; that...His Holiness [the Pope] hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed.
I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or State, named Protestant or Liberal, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers.
I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.
This is not a fairy tale or a conspiracy theory, people. It is a historical fact that the Jesuits have conducted espionage, fomented wars and revolutions, carried out assassinations, and engaged in other nefarious activities to advance Catholic power in the world since coming into existance in the mid-1500s. It is an established fact that the Jesuits were behind the Lincoln assassination, and were perhaps involved in the Kennedy assassination as well. Among their other confirmed kills in centuries past were King Henry IV of France, William the Silent of Holland, Huguenot leader Coligny, and even some "renegade" Popes. One of their famous (but failed) attempted targets was King James I of England and the entire Parliament in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

The Jesuits in the past would behave as passively as sheep, teaching the people in their schools, performing charitable work, etc., when it served their interests to do so (just like today). But they did not hesitate to tear off that mask and become involved in international intrigue and subversion, all the way up to assassinations of foreign leaders. In this sense, allowing the Jesuits to stay in your country is like keeping an unmarked cannister of flour mixed with rat poison right next to your regular cannister of flour that you use every day. Leaders throughout history have realized this, and as a result, the Jesuits at one time or another have been expelled from every country in Europe. France expelled them in 1764, Spain in 1767, the newly united German Reich under Bismarck banned them from German territory in 1872, even neutral little Switzerland banned them in the 1800s for over a century, only revoking that ban in the 1970s. One Pope (Clement XIV) in the 1700s even tried to ban the Jesuits because of all their evil activities, and was poisoned soon afterwards for it. Most Popes, though, fully acquiesced and supported what the Jesuits were doing. Only a few years after the attempted ban, another Pope lifted the ban (though this was just a formality, as the Jesuits never went away in the first place).

The question is this: If these Jesuits were so heavily involved in international politics in the past, all the way up to assassinations of foreign leaders, why would we assume that they suddenly stopped all involvement in the 20th century?

Now back to Patton. Here is part of an interview conducted by Rick Martin of The Spectrum magazine with Eric Jon Phelps, author of "Vatican Assassins". You can read the entire interview at the Spectrum website, scroll down to the blue box that says "Notice!" in the bottom right to find it. We pick up in the middle of this long interview and quote the relevant dialogue:
Martin: There are a lot of strong Americans out there.

Phelps: The only problem is this: they're not united and they can't be led. Americans are leaderless because they do not follow. They all think their opinions are equal, and they're not. I would follow General Patton anywhere. I wouldn't question an order of his. We don't have men like that today, for the most part, because we don't have leaders like that today.

Martin: I found your account of Patton's assassination fascinating, also your speaking of the Jesuits' poisoning of him.

Phelps: A member of the OSS came out in the Spotlight [newspaper] and said that. His name was Zapata, that agent. He said he was given a contract on Patton for $10,000. He didn't kill him, but he knows the guy who did. So, Patton was murdered, and General Vlasov was murdered, and both of them hated the Jesuits' 'Grand Inquisitor', Joseph Stalin. They would have united together to eradicate Russia of that dictator, but the Jesuits would not have it because Russia is theirs. They must control the Orthodox Church to bring it back to Rome. That's why they got rid of the Romanoffs.

Martin: Patton's take-out was ordered by 'Wild' Bill Donovan? Did I read that?

Phelps: That's right. Wild Bill Donovan was the head of the OSS at the time. And if you get Anthony K. Brown's The Last Hero, it's on Wild Bill Donovan. He is in the Vatican at the end of his life, in a picture, walking in the Vatican to receive one of the highest medals from the Pope, for a 'lifetime' of intelligence service to the Vatican. That is in The Last Hero and the picture is mesmerizing. I want to put it in my book.

The OSS is nothing but an arm of the CIA and the Vatican, and that's why they took out Kennedy. They kill all the generals who don't 'play ball'.
You will notice that Stalin is refered to as "The Jesuits' Grand Inquisitor". Phelps' contention is that Stalin served the Jesuits' designs, probably largely unconsciously, and his harsh treatment of the areas of Protestant Germany that he occupied postwar were a form of Inquisition. The fate of postwar Germany was absolutely devastating from a Protestant perspective, but just delighful to the Jesuits. Firstly, all the German territories that Stalin occupied (half of pre-war Germany in land area) were part of the German Protestant heartland. Large parts Germany under Stalin's control saw all Germans expelled, with many hundreds of thousands killed in the process, and the land given to Poland and Russia, despite their having no claim to it at all. The western part of Stalin's occupied Germany became "East" Germany (in fact it had never been the eastern part of Germany, but the central part, until Stalin stole all the land to the east!). The "East" German state was rigidly atheistic and used a variety of methods to extirpate religion from society. 90%+ of Germans native to what became East Germany were Protestant, but today you wont find but maybe a dozen in a hundred East Germans who are active Protestants. Meanwhile, all the Catholic areas in the German-speaking region of Europe (Bavaria, some parts of the Rhineland, Austria) fell on the brighter side of the Iron Curtain, and although religion across the board declined somewhat with secularization in the second half of the 20th century, it didnt crash to the floor like the Lutheran churches did in communist-occupied East Germany. Between the time Bismarck united Germany in the 1860s-1870s and WWII, Germany had been two-thirds Protestant. Today there are more affiliated Catholics in Germany than Protestants! Not even the aggressive wars of religion waged by the Catholics against Protestant Germany in the 1500s-1600s had succeeded in doing such a thing.

A few more points on the Soviet Union: Lenin readmitted the Jesuits to Russia in the 1920s. They had been banned prior to that by the Czars. Stalin himself was educated and trained by the Jesuits in his native Georgia. Despite the anti-Christian nature of Communism, it has widely been commented on (notably by author Avro Manhattan) that the Catholic Church was very pleased with the Bolshevik Revolution because it gutted and badly weakened The Orthodox Church in Russia and Eastern Europe, the Orthodox Church being a longtime enemy of the Vatican. Some have said that the Jesuits even had a hand in the Bolshevik Revolution (historically such a thing would not be too out of the ordinary). This is what Phelps meant when he said "that's why they [Jesuits] got rid of the Romanoffs [the Czars]". Phelps refers to WWI and WWII as "The Second Thirty Years War" (1914-1945) elsewhere, because it was a series of conflicts with unmistakable religious underpinnings, themes, and outcomes, just like the first one. With WWI the Orthodox world was ruined and enslaved by communism, the '20s and '30s saw the rise of numerous Catholic fascist dictatorships (The Nazis were overwhelmingly Catholic, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Portugal.), all of which were strongly pro-Catholic/pro-Vatican. WWI and especially WWII saw continental Protestantism ruined and devastated, as half of the foremost Protestant nation in Europe and the birthplace of the Reformation, Germany, was thrown to the wolves, not to mention the fact that millions of German Protestants died in the war (civilian and military).

Monday, July 17, 2006

Pro-Israel Evangelicals in disgraceful display

"We're Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East" is the title of the newest article by Paul Craig Roberts. In it he launches a scathing attack on the Jewish neoconservatives, who seem to "have total control of U.S. foreign policy in the Bush regime", much to our misfortune. He warns, rightly, that the interests of the Jewish neocons are not our interests, and are in fact very much at odds with our interests. He further warns that the neocons want to drag America into more military conflict for Israel, just like they dragged us into attacking Iraq (for Israel). His other targets in the article are the neoconservatives' gentile stooges out there, including those in the "Bush regime". Bush himself escapes any direct scorn, as he is simply painted as the puppet of the Israel-First Jewish Neoconservatives.

All of this seems on target. It is clear that the primary problem with US foreign policy today is the power wielded by Jewish neoconservatives and their stooges (neoconservatism is a Jewish movement, and as some have said it is neither "new" nor "conservative").
But our interest in the article primarily lies not with what a gang of non-American Jewish neoconservatives are trying to force us to do (The Jewish necons might be US citizens in most cases, but they are not Americans in any real sense, as their loyalty is totally to Israel. They are Israelis/Israeli-agents de facto), but with what some actual Americans are up to. We are not concerned with the squabbles of two alien peoples half a world away. What we are concerned with, and disgusted with, is the news that some American Protestants are disgracing themselves and this country by their disgraceful actions related to all this. Let's let Roberts tell the story:
Evangelical "Christians" are part of the propaganda show. Three thousand of them, under the lead of the Rev. John C. Hagee, are heading to Washington for a "Washington/Israel summit" to demand, needlessly, that the neocon Bush regime show "stronger support for Israel." It is difficult to see how Bush could show any stronger support without using the U.S. military to assist Israel in its attacks, which is, of course, what the "Christian" Rev. Hagee intends when he declares: "There's a new Hitler in the Middle East [he doesn't mean Bush or Olmert]. The only way he will be stopped will be by a preemptive military strike in Iran."

Present at Rev. Hagee's "Washington/Israel Summit" will be Israel's former Minister of Defense, Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon, Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon, Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, Republican Senators Sam Brownback and Rick Santorum, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, and Gary Bauer.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the most powerful lobby in Washington, expressed its thanks to Rev. Hagee for demonstrating "the depth and breadth of American support" for Israel. Recently, AIPAC has been under investigation as a suspected nest for Israeli spies.

David Brog, former chief of staff for Republican Sen. Arlen Specter, has gone to work for Rev. Hagee. Brog, who is Jewish, says he works for Hagee's evangelical enterprise because "we're bringing into a pro-Israel camp millions of Christians who love Israel and giving them a political voice. Israel's enemies are our enemies, and this group instinctively understands that." Brog goes on to say that Hagee's evangelicals understand that they are not supposed to talk about Jesus, only about saving Israel: "Christians who work with Jews in supporting Israel realize how sensitive we are in talking about Jesus. They realize it will interfere with what they are trying to do."

[Read the whole article here.]
Are these people insane? Israel is so important that we should go to war with Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, and continue to funnel billions of US taxpayer dollars yearly to Israel, but Jesus is not important? What would any of the founders and great past leaders of Protestantism think about this? What would any of the ancestors of these quote-unquote Protestants think? They are giving their loyalty to a non-Christian religion, a far away non-Christian state, and an alien people, while meanwhile they neglect their own people: their very country is being flooded with Catholics from the south, to which they turn a blind eye. This is a shameful and disgraceful display if there ever was one!

What we are left with, besides being sick to our stomach at all this, is "Why". Why are these supposed Protestants more interested in the Jewish religion, the Jewish state, the Jewish people, than they are in the Protestant Christian religion, the (formerly-)Protestant USA, the Protestant people of the US and of the world? The answer probably lies in perceptions of power and desire for institutional survival. Any institution or group and the leaders thereof are always primarily interested in institutional survival. These pro-Israel Evangelicals have, for decades, no doubt seen the large amount of power that the Jewish people have in the opinion-shaping media in this country, and so they probably feel that it would hurt their "institution" to speak ill of Israel or criticize Jews in any way, as the Jewish media would "crucify" them, so to speak, if they did. And so, most refrain from attacking or criticizing Israel and Judaism and what is called "Organized Jewry", even on those occasions when it is more than warranted. Some, though, have taken this concept to an extreme and have become fanatically devoted to Israel and to the Jewish people (e.g. Hagee), to the point where that devotion has quite literally risen above and beyond their devotion to the Christian religion and the fate of their own people in America! It is this same desire not to offend seemingly powerful groups that led most American Protestant leaders in the middle of the 20th century to abandon criticizing Catholicism and the Catholic Church, after witnessing the advance of Catholic power in this country.

It is unfortunate that many of these supposed Protestant leaders have been willing to sell out to groups whose interests are wholly at odds with those of the Protestant people of this nation. Though we must point out that only a small minority of the Protestant Americans are actually lavishly pro-Israel. The media gives the impression that most are by focusing immensely on the relatively small percentage of them who are.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

America's vanishing Protestant majority

Protestants will no longer be the majority group in the US before this decade is out, and they might be in the minority already (depending on who you count as Protestant) according to a major recent study.

This has always been a nation populated by men women and children of primarily Northern European extraction and Protestant cultural-religious background. Catholic and other non-Protestant immigration, secularization, and the undermining of the Protestant identity in the past decades have changed this, to the point where barely half the American population identifies as Protestant. It was at some time in the mid-late 1990s that the USA lost its white-Protestant majority for the first time ever. Having been in decline percentage-wise for decades, white-Protestants finally slipped down to 49.999999% on one otherwise uneventful day in the 90s. Now in mid-2000s it is no longer just white-Protestants but all Protestants who are in the minority, or soon will be.

The very character of this country is at risk. We are at risk of being subsumed and eventually obliterated. Here is part of an excellent article written by the Reverend Albert Mohler dealing with this dispossesion of Protestant America:
Writing in 1927, French observer Andre Siegfried described Protestantism as America's "only national religion." To miss this, Siegfried advised, is "to view the country from a false angle." Now, less than a century later, a major research report provides proof that Protestantism no longer represents a clear majority of Americans. Researchers Tom W. Smith and Seokho Kim of the National Opinion Research Center [NORC] at the University of Chicago have released "The Vanishing Protestant Majority," a report documenting the declining membership of Protestant churches in the nation. The decline of American Protestantism will come as a shock to many observers
According to the NORC study, Americans identifying themselves as "Protestant" fell from 63 percent to 52 percent between 1993 and 2002--a massive decline in less than one decade. According to the University of Chicago press release, the percentage of Americans identifying themselves as Protestant "has been falling and will likely fall below 50 percent by mid-decade and may be there already."
Article originally published on

Link to the NORC study (pdf)
The cause of the decline of Protestantism? Immigration, Secularization, and an undermining of the Protestant identity, along with the ongoing entrenchement of a kind of radical leftism that has nothing to do with politics (what has been called "cultural marxism"), which is very insidious because it prevents people from mounting any serious viable opposition to their own dispossession and it morally disarms people from stopping the aforementioned. (note: The Catholics/Catholic Church in the USA are big partakers of the doctrine of cultural marxism against white-Protestants.)

The root cause of all of these factors, one or way another, directly or indirectly, has been the Roman Catholic Church. So if we cut out the "middle man", the cause of our problems is the Vatican and its thousands of divisions that are attacking America daily, many of which have inflitrated our borders and are attacking from the inside. (Stalin was wrong, the Pope does have divisions, though they dont carry guns, usually.)

Rev. Mohler reaches the same conclusions (they are obvious to anyone who has eyes to see). He points, rightly, to Catholic-backed immigration as the main driving force behind the decline of Protestantism. He points out that virtually none of the immigrants to America today are Protestants. The vast majority of immigration today is from Roman Catholic sources, with only a negligible amount (essentially zero) from white-Protestant sources. Secondly Mohler points to the "theological liberalism" of many of the ecumenical Protestant churches today, which "has eroded the entire system of Christian doctrine, leading to the evaporation of faith and the secularization of those churches. Once the churches have been thoroughly secularized, what value remains in church membership and denominational identification?". What's that you say? Surely this one can't be blamed on the Catholics, this is a fault of those more liberal Protestant churches? Wrong. The ecumenical "movement" is a Roman Catholic plot from beginning to end, a scheme by the Vatican to subvert the Protestant churches of this world and then reassert papal authority over these "heretics".

So in short, the reason for Protestantism's decline in America is The sinister influence of the Catholic Church, on many fronts, in many forms and fashions, sometimes subtle and hidden, other times overt and blatant, but always present, never abating, not till Rome conquers this country. That is Rome's goal, and that is the real issue here.