Sunday, November 25, 2007

Catholic imperialism in Iraq

The ever-imperial-minded Roman Church has launched an aggressive new venture against another a group of Christians-- This time in far-away Iraq. In the Vatican's crosshairs this time: A group of old-stock "oriental orthodox" Christians, little known to Westerners, who call themselves Chaldeans. Considering their small numbers and their weakened hand in the politics of post-Saddam-Hussein Iraq, these unfortunate Christians were essentially powerless to resist Rome's advances, and have now been de-facto taken over by Roman Catholicism and the Vatican. Rome's attempts to consolidate its power over this proud people and church will come in the ensuing years, and it is possible that within a generation this Iraqi church will be destroyed, weakened from within by pressure from Islam, while being concurrently dechristianized and thoroughly romanized by pressure from the Vatican.

Rome's swift and clever move to subjugate this honest, ancient christian community was to announce the "elevation" of the head of Chaldean Christians in Iraq to the position of "cardinal" within the Roman Catholic religion. This was an offer that this nervous and shaky christian community could not refuse, as here was a powerful international Political Power offering it ostensible protection to them, om a country full of hostile, angry Muslims. Iraqi Christians would be tied in to the "rest of the Christian World", as Rome arrogantly claims itself to be, and that those outside Rome's ever-outward-moving black shadow, are simply irrelevant heretics. Not to mention that refusal would result in gaining an enemy in the Vatican, which no sane person wants.

(left: Iraqi Mohammedans protest Roman Catholic aggression by burning a crude effigy of The Pope.
Comment: Though they may be wrong about the false prophet Mohammed, they are right about the false prophet "Benedict XVI", who, like Mohammed, is self-declared to be God's intercessor on Earth)

This anti-Iraqi-Christian move by Rome is just another example of how the Pope's fanatical millennium-long war against Eastern Christians has never ended and still continues in full force today, in different forms than before. (The same for its perfidious 'Counter-Reformation'). Rome is not interested in being friends with Christians, only in conquering them. (Foolish Protestant-ecumenists beware!) Rome's fanatical endgame is to poison the entire world with its religion, and seize the reins of power, via direct political power and via social/cultural 'influences', over all peoples across the globe.

If only someone had warned the hapless Chaldean Christians of Iraq:
Beware of Romans bearing gifts.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Neocon Puppet Giuliani or Patriot Ron Paul?

Rudolph Giuliani, the neoconservative former mayor of New York, illegal-immigration-enthusiast, practicing Roman Catholic, and chronic adulterer, is currently leading in the polls to become the Republican nominee for President.

This is bad news for the American nation for the simple fact that this man owes his loyalty to several different alien ideologies, notably Romanism, Corporatism, and Zionism. He is a fanatical devotee of the Bush/Clinton doctrine of waging wars and ordering bombing campaigns for no reason against artificial enemies pulled out of thin air, and of expanding the American Empire. During his political career he has been a strong advocate of the immigration of his co-religionists into our fair land, especially when it is illegal in nature. He supports the status quo of bloated-Federal-Leviathan and would expand it so that it can press down with its boot all the harder on our collective necks. Essentially all of his positions are at odds with true American interests in one way or another.

We would be much better to put an American patriot like Ron Paul (a churchgoing Protestant-Christian, opponent of federal leviathan, and opponent of Empire) into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, not a hawk-on-behalf-of-alien-ideologies like Mr Giuliani. Patriots have been rallying around Dr Ron Paul by the tens of thousands, and if God has mercy on this nation today, American patriot Ron Paul might just win and put all the Giulianis out there in their place-- which is far, far away from the reins of power of a free nation.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bibles Banned at 2008 Beijing Olympics

[CBN reports:] Organizers for the 2008 Olympics in China have released their list of items banned from the Olympic village where the athletes will stay. Among the "prohibited objects" -- Bibles. The committee behind the Beijing games cited "security reasons" for the ban.

If the hive-minded atheistic spirit of China spreads, the entire world is doomed. The ame goes for the post-Religious death-spirit casting its bleak shadow over Europe today. Though if things keep going the way they're going that will likely be replaced by an Islamic spirit in three generations, and European Christianity relegated to the mists of history.